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Did Neil Patrick Harris Become a Billionaire Tech Bro? Indian Twitter Melts Down

BREAKING NEWS: The internet in India has officially fractured after a series of photos surfaced online, sending social media into a hilarious tailspi…

Bangalore Unveils Double-Decker Flyover, Motorists Apply for Pilot's License

In a move that left even the ever-resourceful Bangaloreans scratching their heads, the city unveiled its most ambitious traffic solution yet - a doub…

Japan Considers Conjugal Visit Visas to Boost Birth Rate

Facing a demographic crisis with a rapidly aging population and a plummeting birth rate, Japan is exploring unconventional solutions. One such propos…

Bangalore's "Thar-zan" Tamed by Traffic Police

Bangalore, Karnataka - June 14, 2024: In a scene straight out of an action movie (or perhaps a particularly chaotic Bollywood flick), Bangalore traff…

Smith Seeks Laughs with Upcoming Spaghetti Western

Will Smith is diving headfirst into comedic territory with his upcoming project, "Bad Boys:Eating Spaghetti for Eva. " The film, a satirica…

World Leaders Unite in Surreal Show of Support for Kejriwal

New Delhi — In an unprecedented turn of events, eighteen notorious alcohol smugglers from Bihar have surrendered themselves to the authorities, citin…