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Silicon Valley Dispatch

Bangalore's IT Elite Demand Netflix Up Their Desi Content Game

The keyboard warriors of Bangalore, India's Silicon Valley, have spoken again. And their message? Bridgerton (Season 3) is basically just Peppa P…

The Internet Obsesses Over AI Hype, Hyping the Hype Itself

The internet, a breeding ground for trends and topics both trivial and transformative, has found itself fixated on a peculiar phenomenon:the hype sur…

The Mourning Context: From App to App-ocalypse

Byju's is the name synonymous with childhood wonder, frantic parental WhatsApp groups, and the constant, nagging fear of falling behind in the ne…

A Desi Guide to De-Googling Your Life

Is Big Brother Google watching your every chai break?Do targeted ads for pressure cookers haunt you even after a midnight snacking spree of samosas?F…

From Nemesis to National Hero?

In a shocking turn of events, Google News, usually the epitome of stoicism, resembled a child gleefully unwrapping a birthday present yesterday. The …

When Your Uber Driver Channels Bhagawan Surya

Let's face it, folks, in the sweltering crucible of an Indian summer, hailing an Uber is akin to summoning a chariot from the fiery pits of Hades…

Bangalore Company Founder Claims Brand Still Profitable Despite Missing Millions

Bengaluru, May 22, 2024 — Buyju Ravinder , the ever-optimistic founder of India’s leading 'dead-tech' unicorn, Buyju's, recently held…

Family Reduced to Emojis

Living in the heart of India's Silicon Valley, Bangalore, young tech whiz Aditya "The Algorithm" Agarwal has revolutionized communicati…